35 Tips to Travel with Your Baby In 2024 – An Expert’s Guide.

Jul 25, 2024

 Traveling with a baby can be a handful for sure, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can also be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. As an avid traveller who has journeyed extensively with my daughter since she was just 3 months old, I understand the challenges and joys that come with traveling with a little one. From road trips to flights and hotel stays, careful planning is the ultimate key to ensuring a smooth and pleasant journey.

In this article, I will share 35 essential tips to help you travel with your baby in 2024. As a double certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant and a Newborn Care Specialist, I have found that these simple yet important tips can make the world of difference for your & your family’s journey.

These tips are divided into categories, covering everything from road trips and flights to hotel stays, managing itineraries, napping on the go, and changing time zones, etc. Whether you're a seasoned traveller or planning your first trip with your baby, these practical and research-based tips will help you create a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for your family for sure.


During Road Trips 

1. Get a Good Night’s Rest

Making sure that your baby gets a good night’s sleep before you start your journey is crucial. According to this article by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, infants aged 4-12 months need 12-16 hours of sleep per day, including naps. A well-rested baby is more likely to be content and cooperative, making the trip smoother for everyone. You can establish a calming bedtime routine the night before to ensure they are well-rested.

2. Use a Car Seat for Safety

Safety is most paramount when traveling by car. Always use a properly installed car seat that is appropriate for your baby's age and size. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that children ride in a rear-facing car seat until at least the age of 2 or until they reach the maximum height and weight for their seat. Double-check the installation and make sure the harness is snug. Keeping your baby safe ensures peace of mind during the journey.


3. Use Naps to Your Advantage

Plan your travel around your baby’s nap times to help them sleep through a portion of the journey. This approach can reduce fussiness and make the trip more pleasant. Use window covers to block out light and consider a portable white noise machine to mimic their usual sleep setting. The consistency of a familiar sleep environment can make a significant difference in their comfort.

4. Take Breaks

Schedule regular pit stops every two hours to give your baby a chance to stretch, play, and have a break from sitting in the car seat. According to pediatric health experts, prolonged sitting can make babies uncomfortable and irritable. These breaks are also an opportunity for you to refresh and relax. Consider finding safe rest areas or parks where your baby can crawl or walk around.

5. Plan Activities in Advance

Bring along a selection of special toys and books that can keep your baby entertained during the ride. Rotating new or favorite toys can help maintain their interest and prevent boredom. Research from child development specialists indicates that engaging toys can stimulate your baby's senses and provide cognitive benefits. Interactive books, teething toys, and soft plushies can be great choices.

6. Load Up on Snacks

Pack a variety of healthy snacks such as fruits, crackers, and puree pouches. Snacks can be a great distraction and help keep your baby content between meals. According to pediatric nutrition guidelines, offering a range of nutritious snacks helps support your baby’s growth and development. Ensure snacks are easy to eat and not choking hazards. Staying hydrated is equally important, so keep water or formula handy.


7. Relax Your Rules

Flexibility is key when traveling. Be prepared to relax your usual rules regarding nap times, screen time, and other routines to make the journey more manageable. The priority is to ensure everyone has a pleasant trip, even if it means bending the rules a bit. According to child psychologists, maintaining flexibility can reduce stress for both parents and babies. This temporary relaxation of rules can help create a more enjoyable travel experience for the whole family.


During Flights 

8. Dress for Success

Dress your baby in comfortable clothes like pajamas and consider bringing a sleep sack or swaddle. Airlines can often be chilly, and familiar sleepwear can help your baby feel at ease.   Maintaining a consistent sleep environment, even on flights, can help your baby settle more easily and rest better during the journey.



9. Baby Wearing

Using a baby carrier allows for hands-free movement and makes it easier to navigate the airport while keeping your baby close. It also provides the added benefit of discreet nursing. Studies have shown that baby-wearing can reduce infant crying and promote bonding. Additionally, many babies find the close contact soothing, which can help keep them calm during the flight.



10.Pacifier to Reduce Ear Discomfort

Use a pacifier during takeoff and landing to help your baby cope with ear pressure changes. The sucking motion can help equalize the pressure in their ears and reduce discomfort. If your baby doesn't use a pacifier, nursing or offering a bottle can serve the same purpose. Ear pressure changes can be particularly distressing for infants, and providing a way to mitigate this can make the flight more pleasant for everyone.

11.Stroller to the Boarding Gate

Bringing your stroller all the way to the boarding gate offers convenience and can help manage your luggage and baby more easily. Most airlines allow gate-checking strollers, which means you can have your stroller right up until you board the plane and get it back immediately upon landing. This can make the often-hectic process of navigating the airport much smoother.

12.Load Up on Snacks and Entertainment

Pack plenty of healthy snacks and a variety of entertainment options to keep your baby occupied during the flight. Items like puree pouches, teething biscuits, and small pieces of fruit can serve as nutritious distractions. For entertainment, consider lightweight books, soft toys, or even an interactive app on a tablet for older babies. Keeping your baby engaged can help prevent boredom and fussiness.


13.Reserve the Bassinet Seat

If your baby is small enough, booking a bassinet seat can provide extra comfort and space during long flights. Most airlines offer bassinet seats for infants, but these are often in high demand and should be reserved in advance. The additional legroom and a dedicated sleeping area for your baby can make a significant difference in comfort for both of you.


14.Request Express Check-in, Boarding & Immigration

Many airlines offer special services for families traveling with young children, including express check-in, priority boarding, and expedited immigration processing. Taking advantage of these services can reduce the stress and hassle of airport procedures. Don't hesitate to ask the airline staff for assistance; many are more than willing to help families make the travel experience smoother.


At the Hotel 

15.Recreate the Bedtime and Nap Time Routines

Bring along bath toys, sleep sacks, and white noise machines to replicate the sleep environment they are used to at home. Research shows that familiar routines can significantly improve sleep quality for infants and young children, reducing the likelihood of nighttime awakenings. So, make the hotel room as “homely” as possible. 

16.Set Up an Ideal Sleep Environment

Creating a comfortable and conducive sleep environment is crucial. Use portable cribs or travel cots, blackout curtains, and familiar crib sheets. Portable blackout curtains can help maintain a dark sleep space, essential for regulating your baby’s sleep cycle. Familiar crib sheets not only provide comfort but also carry the scent of home, which can be soothing.


17.Create a Separate Sleep Space

If possible, set up a separate sleeping area for your baby within your hotel room. This can be achieved by using a portable crib or creating a visual barrier with a blanket or a room divider. This separation can help your baby understand it’s time to sleep, mimicking the separation they experience at home. Studies in developmental psychology suggest that consistent sleep spaces promote better sleep habits and overall well-being in infants as well as adults.

18.Use Familiar Scents

Packing unwashed crib sheets and sleep sacks ensures that your baby can still smell the comforting and familiar scents of home. Scent is a powerful sense linked to memory and comfort. Familiar smells can make a significant difference in how quickly your baby settles in a new environment. Behavioral studies show that familiar scents can reduce stress and anxiety in infants, contributing to better sleep and overall contentment.




If you're worried about nursing in public, carrying a nursing cover can provide privacy and comfort. The baby swaddles are an excellent option as they can double as a nursing cover due to thers large size and lightweight material. Nursing in public is protected by law in many places, but having a cover can help you feel more at ease. It's also breathable, ensuring your baby stays cool and comfortable while feeding.


Carry plenty of healthy snacks to keep your child happy and occupied during travel. Some favorites include food pouches, string cheese, crackers, fruits like berries, apples, and grapes, roasted foxtail nuts, and peanut butter sandwich roll-ups. Offering a variety of snacks can keep your baby engaged and prevent hunger-induced crankiness. Studies show that frequent, small snacks can help maintain your baby’s energy levels and mood.

22.Let Your Child Explore Local Foods

Encourage your child to explore local foods by requesting restaurants to modify dishes without salt and spices for young babies. Introducing new flavors and textures can be an exciting part of traveling and helps expand your child's palate. Be mindful of food allergies and introduce new foods gradually. Exploring local cuisine can also enhance your child’s cultural experience and acceptance of diverse foods.

23.Bottle Feeding

For formula-fed babies, get a formula dispenser with pre-measured formula for each feeding. Mix with bottled water to make formula on the go. This approach ensures that you have the right amount of formula ready without the need for measuring in unfamiliar environments. It also helps maintain hygiene and convenience, especially during long journeys.


Keep your baby well-hydrated, especially in warm climates or during flights where the air can be dry. Carry a spill-proof sippy cup or a water bottle suitable for infants. Hydration is crucial for maintaining your baby’s overall health and comfort during travel. Dehydration can cause irritability and discomfort, so frequent sips of water are essential.

25.Meal Timing

Try to maintain your baby’s regular meal times as much as possible. This consistency can help prevent disruptions in their eating patterns and maintain a sense of normalcy. Sticking to familiar meal schedules can also help regulate their sleep and mood, making the travel experience smoother for everyone.


Napping on the Go 

26.Time It Right

Begin the nap routine 15-20 minutes before the desired nap time. This helps the baby to wind down and recognize that it’s time to sleep. Consistent routines, even while traveling, signal to your baby that it’s time for a nap, making it easier for them to fall asleep. Whether it's singing a lullaby, reading a story, or a gentle rocking motion, these cues can be incredibly helpful.

27.Set Up a Good Sleep Environment

Create a conducive sleep environment using a portable white noise machine to drown out background noise, dark breathable fabric to block out light, and a clip fan to maintain a comfortable temperature. These elements mimic the baby’s home sleep setting, providing a familiar and soothing environment that encourages sleep. The consistency of the sleep environment can greatly affect the quality of your baby’s naps.


28.Resist the Urge to Peek

Avoid the temptation to check in on your baby frequently during naps. Peeking in can disrupt their sleep cycle and make it harder for them to settle back down. Allow them some space and time to soothe themselves and get back to sleep if they stir. This can foster better self-soothing habits and longer, uninterrupted naps.

29.Roughly Time the Sleep Cycle

Be mindful of your baby's sleep cycles, typically around 40 minutes long. If your baby tends to wake up after one cycle, try gently rocking or moving the stroller again around this time to help them transition smoothly into the next cycle. This can prolong their nap and make sure that they get enough rest. Understanding and working with your baby's natural sleep rhythms can significantly improve their nap quality while on the go.


Changing Time zones 

30.Less than 4-Hour Time Difference

For shorter trips with a time difference of less than 4 hours, split the difference. Adjust nap and bedtimes halfway between the home time zone and the new time zone to help the baby gradually acclimate. For longer stays, transition to the new schedule immediately to help the baby adapt more quickly. This can minimize disruption to their sleep patterns and reduce the overall impact of jet lag.

31.More than 4-Hour Time Difference

When dealing with a time difference of more than 4 hours, spend plenty of time outside during the day. Natural light exposure helps regulate the baby's internal clock to the new time zone more effectively. Activities such as outdoor walks or playtime in the sun can be very beneficial in speeding up the adjustment process.

32.Adjust Bedtime Routines

Start following your regular bedtime routines immediately upon arrival at your destination. Familiar activities like a bath, Storytime, or a lullaby can provide comfort and signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep, despite the new environment. Consistency in these routines helps the baby feel secure and adjust more easily to the new time zone.

33.Wake Up at Regular Time

Wake your baby at their usual wake-up time according to the new time zone, even if they seem tired. This helps reinforce the new schedule and aids in quicker adjustment. Consistent wake-up times can help reset their internal clock and establish a new rhythm in the new time zone.


 Other Main Tips 

34.  Prepare a Medical Kit

Always carry a basic medical kit that includes baby-safe pain relievers, fever reducers (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, after consulting with your pediatrician), antihistamines for allergic reactions, and any prescribed medications. Knowing you are prepared for minor health issues can provide peace of mind during your trip. Don’t forget to include a digital thermometer, band-aids, and antiseptic wipes.



35. Make Sure of Comfort and Familiarity

Throughout the entire journey, the key to a successful trip with your baby is maintaining a sense of comfort and familiarity. Whether it's through the routine, the items you carry, or the way you handle unexpected situations, these small steps will ensure a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience for both you and your baby.


Final Words 

Traveling with a baby requires careful planning and flexibility to ensure a smooth journey for both parents and child. By anticipating the needs of your little one and preparing accordingly, you can minimize stress and enjoy your travels to the fullest. Whether it's packing the right essentials or adjusting to new environments, staying adaptable is key to a successful trip.

With the right preparation and the support of reliable products, traveling with your baby can be a rewarding experience filled with cherished memories. Embrace the adventure, stay flexible, and enjoy exploring the world together. Safe travels!

If you’re ready to finally enjoy restful nights and give your baby the gift of healthy sleep, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve helped over 400 families in 14 countries transform their baby’s sleep habits, and I want to do the same for you. In my Baby Sleep Made Easy - Sleep Training Masterclass, I’ll provide you with the exact steps to gently and effectively sleep train your baby—without cry-it-out methods. This masterclass will give you the tools to reclaim your nights, strengthen your baby’s sleep, and bring peace to your home. Join me in the next live session and take the first step towards a well-rested, happier family!