Changing the Crib Height as per Age Milestones: A Complete Guide for Parents

Sep 10, 2024

Parents do everything to keep our babies safe, especially during sleep. One often overlooked aspect of baby safety is adjusting the crib height at the right times. Many parents don’t realize that crib height should be changed as their baby grows and becomes more mobile. Keeping your little one safe as they transition from a newborn to a toddler involves a few important adjustments. Let’s walk through when and how to adjust your crib to ensure your baby is snoozing safely at every stage.


Why Crib Height Matters

Safety First: As your baby grows and becomes more mobile, their ability to roll, sit, stand, and even climb develops rapidly. Adjusting the crib height is crucial to prevent falls, one of the most common hazards for babies.

 A crib that's too high for a mobile baby can quickly become a safety risk as they might climb or fall out.

Development Milestones: Your baby’s ability to move will change significantly over time. At birth, they’re pretty stationary, but it doesn’t take long before they start rolling, sitting, and eventually standing. These milestones are clear indicators that it’s time to adjust the crib height to ensure safety.

Now that you know why crib height matters, let’s dive into the specifics for each stage.


1. Crib Height for Newborns (0-3 Months)

Setting: The High Position

For newborns, using the highest crib setting is both practical and safe. Newborns are pretty stationary, meaning they cannot roll or sit up yet. This makes it easy for parents to lift them in and out of the crib without straining their backs. Trust me, those nighttime feedings and diaper changes can feel endless, so why make it harder on yourself?

Safety Tips for Newborns:

  • Always place your baby on their back to sleep on a firm mattress.
  • Avoid any loose bedding, toys, or crib bumpers in the crib to reduce the risk of suffocation. 

Milestone to Watch:

  • Rolling Over (3-4 months): Once your baby starts rolling over, it’s time to lower the crib. Babies typically start rolling from their tummy to back or vice versa at around 3-4 months old. At this point, their ability to move increases the risk of falling if the crib is set too high.

2. Crib Height for Infants (3-6 Months)

Setting: Start Lowering the Crib

As your baby becomes more active, it’s time to adjust the crib height to a lower setting. Once they can roll over or start pushing up on their hands and knees, the highest crib setting is no longer safe.

Milestones to Watch:

  • Sitting Up Independently (4-6 months): By this age, many babies begin sitting up without support. Once they’re sitting up independently, the crib should be lowered further to prevent them from toppling over the sides. 

3. Crib Height for Babies (6-18 Months)

Setting: The Lowest Position

When your baby starts pulling themselves up to a standing position, it’s time for the crib to be at its lowest setting. This usually happens between 8 and 10 months. Once they can stand, the risk of them climbing or falling out of the crib increases dramatically.

Safety Tips for Standing Babies:

  • Ensure that the sides of the crib are high enough to prevent your baby from climbing out.
  • Keep the crib clear of items like stuffed animals, pillows, or blankets that your baby could step on to climb out.
  • Instead of using a traditional blanket, opt for a wearable blanket instead 

Milestones to Watch:

  • Pulling to Stand (8-10 months): When your baby starts pulling up to stand, it’s a clear sign that the crib needs to be in its lowest position. 

4. Crib Safety for Toddlers (18-36 Months)

Setting: Keep the Crib Low and Safe

By this age, most toddlers are still safe in their crib, as long as it’s set at the lowest position. Toddlers become more active and curious, and some might even try to climb out. This is why it’s important to continue monitoring their behavior and make adjustments if necessary.

Safety Tips for Toddlers:

  • Watch for signs of climbing attempts. If your toddler seems ready to escape, it might be time to consider transitioning to a toddler bed.
  • Continue keeping the crib free from loose bedding, toys, and other items that could pose a suffocation or climbing hazard.

Milestones to Watch:

  • Climbing Attempts: If your toddler is frequently trying to climb out of the crib, it’s a sign that they might be ready for a bed transition. Some toddlers are ready earlier than others, but most will stay in the crib until they are around 3 years old. 

5. Transitioning to a Toddler Bed (Around 3 Years Old)

When to Transition:

While every child is different, most toddlers are ready to move out of their crib and into a toddler bed around 3 years of age. Signs that it’s time to transition include frequent attempts to climb out of the crib, or if they’ve outgrown it in size.

How to Make the Move:

  • Introduce a toddler bed with a guardrail to prevent falls during the night.
  • Make sure the bedroom is baby-proofed, as they will now have more freedom to explore.
  • Keep the sleep environment as consistent as possible to ease the transition. Try to maintain their routine and avoid introducing too many new changes at once.

Safety Tips for Toddler Beds:

  • Place the bed away from windows, cords, and any furniture they could climb on.
  • Remove any hazards from the room and ensure there are no loose parts on the bed itself.

6. General Tips

Check Regularly: It’s a good habit to periodically check your crib for any loose screws, bolts, or signs of wear and tear. Cribs can wear down over time, especially as your baby becomes more active.

Avoid Crib Accessories: Keep soft bedding, pillows, bumper pads, and stuffed animals out of the crib to reduce the risk of suffocation and climbing. The crib should be a safe, minimalistic sleep space. To learn more about safe sleep practices check out my blog 

Monitor Climbing Attempts: As your child grows, keep an eye out for any attempts to climb out of the crib. The more mobile they become, the more likely they are to try and explore their surroundings.


Crib safety is one of the many ways we protect our little ones as they grow. Adjusting the crib height at the right milestones ensures your baby can sleep safely from their earliest days as a newborn, through their active toddler years, and right up until they’re ready to transition to a bed.

Remember, it’s not just about the crib itself but also about keeping a watchful eye on your child’s developmental changes. If you’re ever in doubt, it’s always okay to check with a pediatric sleep consultant to ensure your child’s sleep environment is as safe as it can be.

You’ve got this—staying informed about your baby’s safety makes you a superstar parent! Keep checking your crib settings, and don’t hesitate to make adjustments as your little one continues to grow. Your baby’s sleep space should evolve right along with them.


If you’re ready to finally enjoy restful nights and give your baby the gift of healthy sleep, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve helped over 400 families in 14 countries transform their baby’s sleep habits, and I want to do the same for you. In my Baby Sleep Made Easy - Sleep Training Masterclass, I’ll provide you with the exact steps to gently and effectively sleep train your baby—without cry-it-out methods. This masterclass will give you the tools to reclaim your nights, strengthen your baby’s sleep, and bring peace to your home. Join me in the next live session and take the first step towards a well-rested, happier family!