How to Create a BedTime Routine That Helps Your Baby Sleep Peacefully

Sep 03, 2024

Why Bed time Routines Matter:

When I first started sleep training my daughter at six months, I quickly realized that having a night routine wasn’t just about putting her to bed; it was about creating a peaceful, predictable end to our day that both of us could rely on. This routine became our little family ritual, helping her understand that bedtime was coming and allowing us to connect in those precious moments before sleep.

Creating a Pre-Sleep Routine:

The first step to a successful night routine is establishing a calming pre-sleep ritual. This helps your baby wind down and recognize that it's almost time for sleep. Here’s how you can start:

Step 1: Wind Down Time

Before diving into the bedtime routine, take some time to help your baby wind down. This could be as simple as dimming the lights, playing quietly, or even just some cuddles on the couch. The idea is to slowly ease your baby into a calmer state.

Step 2: Warm Bath

A warm bath is like a magic trick for relaxation. I found that giving my daughter a bath before bed helped to calm her down almost instantly. The warmth of the water relaxes their little muscles, making them feel cozy and ready for sleep.

Step 3: Gentle Massage

After the bath, a light massage with lotion can be just what your baby needs to feel loved and relaxed. This was one of my favorite parts of our routine because it gave us a chance to bond and for her to feel comforted.

Step 4: Setting the Sleep Environment

Creating the right sleep environment is key. We invested in blackout blinds to make the room dark and used a white noise machine to block out any outside noises. We also dressed our daughter in a sleep sack, which kept her warm and snug all night. These little things made a big difference in how well she slept.

Step 5: Quality Time with Books

Reading together before bed became a cherished part of our routine. We’d choose two short books to read, and this not only helped her wind down but also gave us some quiet time together. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to build their love for reading early on.

Step 6: The Key Sleep Phrase

We also came up with a simple phrase to signal the end of our bedtime routine. Every night, I’d say, “I love you. It’s night-night time.” It was our way of gently letting her know that it was time to sleep. Over time, she started to associate this phrase with going to bed, which made the transition smoother.

 Tips for a Successful Routine:

  • Consistency is Key: Whatever routine you choose, stick with it every night. Whether you’re at home, traveling, or visiting family, keeping the routine the same helps your baby know what to expect.

  • Keep It Simple: The entire routine, excluding feeding, should take about 20-30 minutes. Any longer, and your baby might start getting too tired or overstimulated.

  • Stay Present: Make sure you’re fully engaged during the bedtime routine. Put away your phone and focus on this time with your baby. It’s a special moment to connect with them and make them feel safe and loved.

  • Involve Other Caregivers: If possible, get other caregivers involved, especially if they don’t spend as much time with the baby during the day. Bath time, massage, and reading are great ways for them to bond with your little one.

  • Don’t Skip the Bath: While not essential, a warm bath can work wonders. If your baby doesn’t enjoy baths, that’s okay, but for many, it’s a great way to signal the start of the bedtime routine.

  • Make Reading a Habit: Reading before bed is more than just a soothing activity; it’s a habit that can benefit your child for years to come. Plus, it’s a screen-free way to wind down.


Creating a night routine is about more than just getting your baby to sleep. It’s about building a comforting, predictable rhythm that helps them feel secure and loved. Over time, this routine will become a cherished part of your day, making bedtime smoother and more peaceful for everyone. Remember, it’s not just about changing the environment; it’s about creating a routine that will have a positive impact on your baby’s sleep habits and overall well-being for years to come.

Click here!- to see my daughter's Bedtime routine!

If you're ready to take control of your newborn’s sleep and your own well-being, I’m here to help you do just that. With over 400 families across 14 countries trusting my expertise, I’ve earned a reputation as an internationally renowned pediatric sleep consultant. My holistic, evidence-based methods are gentle and adaptable to your family’s unique needs—whether you’re co-sleeping or crib-sleeping, breastfeeding or formula-feeding. Don’t wait until sleep deprivation takes a toll—join my Newborn Sleep Made Easy Masterclass and let me help you give your baby the restful nights they deserve, while you reclaim your own. Sign up today and let’s set the foundation for healthy sleep habits that will benefit your little one for years to come!